5 Scientists who Found Christ

“The German genius works for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and is also a professor of Physics at a Swiss Institute. Everyone familiar with Gunther [Scheizle] knew him as a self-described “no-nonsense, anti-religious atheist.” Read more here: Hardcore Atheist Converts After Jesus Visits Him In A Vision

“[Francis] Collins was an atheist until 1978, when he underwent a conversion experience while hiking in the mountains and became a devout Christian. In his 2006 bestselling book The Language of God, Collins declares that he sees no incompatibility between science and religion. “The God of the Bible is also the God of the genome,” he wrote. “He can be worshipped in the cathedral or in the laboratory.” 
Read more here: One of the World’s Most Powerful Scientists Believes in Miracles

On the appointed day, the student thanked him for his time, and started in. She did not argue with anything he had said about evolution in class, but just began asking a series of questions: “How did life arise? . . . Isn’t DNA too complex to form by chance? . . . Why are there gaps in the fossil record between major kinds? . . . .What are the missing links between apes and man?” She didn’t act judgmental or provocative; she just wanted to know. [Richard] Lumsden, unabashed, gave the standard evolutionary answers to the questions. But something about this interchange began making him very uneasy. He was prepared for a fight, but not for a gentle, honest set of questions. As he listened to himself spouting the typical evolutionary responses, he thought to himself, This does not make any sense. What I know about biology is contrary to what I’m saying. When the time came to go, the student picked up her books and smiled, “Thanks, Doc!” and left. On the outside, Dr. Lumsden appeared confident; but on the inside, he was devastated. He knew that everything he had told this student was wrong. Read more here: From Evolution to Creation: The Testimony of Dr. Richard Lumsden See Video Testimony here: Vimeo

Guillame Bignon, Speaker/Author, is a former French atheist who set out on a quest to disprove Christianity and was surprised by what he found. He is the author of Confessions of a French Atheist: How God Hijacked My Quest to Disprove the Christian Faith. Read and Listen here: Testimony

During his education, he found that the the secular humanism, atheism, and evolution that he had been convinced of were false, and turned to Jesus Christ, Biblical Christianity, and creation. Read more here + Video: Behind the MRI: Dr. Raymond Damadian

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