A few ways to Please the Lord

Empty yourself Philippians 2:7
Humble yourself James 4:10
Think of yourself as less than others, including God Philippians 2:3
Seek Him 1 Chronicles 22:19
Search for Him like hidden treasure Matthew 6:21
Worship Him Psalm 29:2
Be born again 1 Peter 1:3
Work out your salvation Philippians 2:12
Accept His sacrifice Acts 2:38
Accept His forgiveness Matthew 9:6
Accept His love that covers sin 1 Peter 4:8
Trust that He is your Savior Psalm 89:26
Share the gospel Mark 16:15
Share His Awesomeness with others Matthew 13:44
Win souls Proverbs 11:30
Trust Him Psalm 4:5
Obey Him Exodus 15:26
Honor Him 1 Chronicles 22:19
Honor His word Job 23:12
Defend Him Philippians 1:20
Defend the gospel Philippians 1:7
Do not be ashamed of Him Mark 8:38
Nor of His words Luke 9:26
Look to Him Psalm 24:10
Look forward to His coming 2 Timothy 4:8
Love God with all your heart Mark 12:30
Love the Brethren John 13:35
Love those who are not your brethren 1 Corinthians 16:14
Have compassion Ephesians 4:2
Have compassion on the poor Proverbs 19:17
Have compassion on the unlovely 1 Corinthians 13:1
Have compassion on the unlikable Matthew 5:46
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you Matthew 7:12
Fear Him Isaiah 66:2
Praise Him Psalm 100
Give Him your life Matthew 19:27
Give Him your heart Deuteronomy 30:6
Give Him your will 1 Peter 5:6
Give Him everything and everyone that is important to you Matthew 19:29
Trust that He will fulfill His promises Isaiah 46:11
Trust that He opens doors and shuts doors Revelation 3:7
Believe Him Numbers 23:19
Believe what He says 2 Timothy 3:16
Lean not on your own understanding Proverbs 3:5
Recognize and know that His ways are higher than yours Isaiah 55:9
That His thoughts are higher than yours, higher than anyone’s Isaiah 44:6
Realize that He made the heavens and the earth Jeremiah 32:7
Realize that nothing is too difficult for Him Jeremiah 32:27

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