A Secret with God

I am going to tell you about a secret with God I have,
which actually is a message to God,
a full-bodied prayer
A message between Jesus and me, my trusted Confidant

This is not to tell you the action
It would be undetectable to anyone else
A secret, because the action itself is a secret,
and it’s not what I want to share because the action is unimportant
What I want to convey to you is that you can have your own secret message,
your private code with God,
that no one else will know about unless you choose to tell them

Maybe you already know that
Our individual relationships with our Savior are extraordinary
Yours would be different from mine because you are you and I am me
Just like you and your best friend have ways of understanding each other,
it’s like that

My secret action is a simple way of crying out to God,
especially when I am afraid
He knows what it means and I know what it means
It is when I’m afraid or feeling unsure of my grounding in Him
It’s a very subtle action that He understands
It is actually a prayer, a petition
A way to tell Jesus, I need you right now in this situation
I am doing my best to trust You
I might not be able to tell Him,
might not have the time or energy,
or as we know, He knows all, so it’s not necessary
to tell Him the thousands of words it would take
to describe the situation in full,
your hopes, your fears, what you are asking of Him,
what you are believing Him for,
knowing that He will work it out for your good
That simple action, secret message, says it all
No words are needed and He understands
He knows what I am trying to convey
He knows that I am doing my best to trust Him when I perform that action

Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief

It takes a nanosecond

I could be bound and imprisoned
and nobody could take that away from me
Nobody ever

Just like nobody can take prayer away
or our relationship with God away
The action is a form of prayer
Nobody can take away your agreements or understandings with God

Each of us are unique and very special to God
He knows our personalities and our strengths and weaknesses

You may not want to have a secret with God,
then again you may want to
It may not help you, then again, it may help you

I guess you’d have to try it out to know for sure

Scriptural References:

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8::28

And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears,
Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. Mark 9:24

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
1 Peter 5:7

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