Be Pliable in the Hands of the Lord

If only…
If only I shared the gospel if only I hadn’t kept my mouth shut
If only I had asked for an open door
If only I had shared what was in my heart
If only I had prayed and asked the Father to reveal Himself to them,
to reveal His only begotten Son to them
So many times I did not keep God at the forefront
when I walked among the unsaved
And those moments were lost, never to be recovered

The enemy wants to keep us quiet, keep us occupied, distracted
While we should wait for the Lord to open the doors,
we also must pray for open doors
To be available for the Lord
What will I say to those I did not warn?
How will I reconcile that I did not share the gospel?
Where was my heart for the lost?
Can I get those moments back?
Those moments I could have used to mention God, to be salt and light?
Can I still pray for them?

There is no way to go back
We are always going forward in this world
Forward on the path we have chosen
We can learn from what we could have done differently,
we can try to rectify
we can ask for and receive forgiveness from our Lord
Just like with any mistakes we make, but we cannot go back

Don’t lose hope in yourself
Let Jesus remold you, renew you and teach you
Continue to follow Him
Remember that you are important,
that your voice matters
and that God can and wants to use you to make a difference in His kingdom

Let Him continue to teach you
Jesus will bless your efforts to share Him with the world
Pray for those Jesus puts in your path and carry that cross

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