Have you ever felt like you were your own island?
Nobody’s really there just you. Just you and God.
God’ll take you there if you let Him.
Remove most distractions from you so you and He can spend time together.
The process usually starts small, like during prayer time, then you seek more.
Just like any relationship.
You don’t really know how close you’re going to feel to God until you get there.
Just like any relationship, except in this relationship,
the other One knows every single thing about you.
He knows everything you have done. He knows everything you have said.
He knows everything you have thought about and considered and pondered.
He knows your hopes, dreams and aspirations.
He knows your triumphs and all of your failures,
even the ones you have never told a soul about.
Jesus is the One Who stands at the door and knocks.
If you heard His voice and you opened, He will show you more of Himself.
He will commune with you in the deepest ways.
He will expose the dross and help you to toss it aside.
He will teach you some whys and He will help you to forget others.
Jesus has you in the palm of His hand.
He opens it and closes it, He directs you and shuffles you and protects you
and lets you go through pain and sorrow. All to bring you closer to Him,
to help you to realize He is the most important part of your life.
John the Revelator was banished to an island.
This is the same John who laid his head on Jesus’ chest at the Last Supper, before He was crucified.
John knew Jesus as Lord while Jesus walked on the Earth, in Revelation,
the Testimony of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Heaven and Earth
was revealed to John and then, the most profound book of the bible,
the one that describes the culmination of time was revealed to John in fulness and majesty.
And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man,
clothed with a garment down to the foot,
and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow;
and His eyes were as a flame of fire;
And His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace;
and His voice as the sound of many waters.
And He had in his right hand seven stars:
and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. Revelation 1:13-16
This the same Jesus that John knew, but he did not recognize Him, exactly.
John had the distractions removed.
John was seeing Jesus is all His glory and splendor.
Many men had a glimpse of the Lord Jesus throughout the bible.
Jacob who wrestled with God, Moses saw the back of God and spoke with God face to face, even though Moses couldn’t see His face, Isaiah, saw Him, Ezekiel saw Him, Daniel did as well.
Others who were separated from the world to hear clearly from God were Jeremiah as he sunk into the mire, Samuel who knew God’s heart and grieved with Him, Mordechai who understood the power of the Lord, Jonah who knew God well enough to argue with him and plead his cause and many others who refused to bow to idols or follow men, but remained faithful. They had all been separated from the world by God because they followed Him and sought His face and His ways. Kings and Queens and mothers and fathers and friends allowed their lives to be disrupted by Jesus because they knew there was nothing better than to follow Him.
When Jesus chooses to separate you for His purposes, go with it.
Let Him have His way in your life.
You may end up being like an island, standing alone, only with Him.