Being an Island

The process usually starts small, like during prayer time, then you seek more.
Just like any relationship.
You don’t really know how close you’re going to feel to God until you get there.
Just like any relationship, except in this relationship,
the other One knows every single thing about you.
He knows everything you have done. He knows everything you have said.
He knows everything you have thought about and considered and pondered.
He knows your hopes, dreams and aspirations.
He knows your triumphs and all of your failures,
even the ones you have never told a soul about.
Jesus is the One Who stands at the door and knocks.
If you heard His voice and you opened, He will show you more of Himself.
He will commune with you in the deepest ways.
He will expose the dross and help you to toss it aside.
He will teach you some whys and He will help you to forget others.

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