Being perfect in your own eyes

Be careful.
Sin is at the door.
Sometimes it is clothed in perfection.
Not the spiritual perfection that the Lord speaks of:
Be ye therefore perfect,
even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48
Being perfect in your own eyes,
in the flesh as you assess your spiritual merits,
thinking you have it all figured out.
You may even have received a righteous revelation from the Lord.
Do not hang your hat on that.
That is not yours to glory in.
All truth and revelation belongs to the Lord.
His Holy Spirit may direct you to help others find the truth.
There may be no solidified reason, yield to the Holy Spirit.
He is truth.
People go about proclaiming they have learned this or that from the Lord.
Remain humble.
He gave you that knowledge and revelation of His word for a reason.
It does not belong to you.
You are honored to have received it.
Keep that in mind.
It is not yours.
It still belongs to Jesus who will open the doors He opens for you to share,
to bless others with or to share the truth with others,
or as He gives you a warning for them.

Listen and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
He will direct you.
The flesh profits nothing but the spirit gives life.
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing.
The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life
. John 6:63

How many times have you received a good word from the Lord?
How many times have you robed yourself in righteousness?
Humble yourself.
Those revelations do not belong to you.
You do not own them.
They belong to the Lord.
You may use them to spread the truth,
to help others to draw closer to the Lord,
but they are not yours to keep, to do with what you wish.
Expecially not to make yourself look noble to others.

There are many things we do not understand as people, as mere mortals.
Placing yourself above others because you know something or somethings
that have been revealed to you.
That is not what makes you wonderful.
Those belong to the Lord Jesus.
They are part of what make Him wonderful.
Cherish and honor those truths that He has shown you,
to help others come closer to Him
or as He prompts you to speak the truth
as that also is part of our mission for Him.

The Pharisees and the Sadducees thought they had it all figured out.
There is not one place in the Word
where the Lord was pleased with them.
They did all the right things, they said all the right things.
They even argued with Jesus, tried to correct Him.
That got them nowhere.
For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed 
the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees,
ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20

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