By Faith, not by sight

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
God desires us to be led by His Spirit
He does this by showing us little by little
It can seem odd at times from what we are used to

A pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day

While that is not exactly blind faith because the Israelites fleeing Egypt
had the pillars of fire and a cloud that could be seen,
we have the whole Bible to learn how He worked with other people,
what He taught them about faith

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17

Sometimes faith is just waiting on God, not rushing,
but waiting until He shows you His way to go,
Sometimes the Israelites waited long amounts of time
before they knew it was time to go:
Or whether it were two days, or a month, or a year,
that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon,
the children of Israel abode in their tents,
and journeyed not: but when it was taken up, they journeyed
. Numbers 9:22
Wait until you know what to do, until Jesus opens the door
Following God is not always simple

Humans get confused because what we can see smell and touch
feels so real and it is, but it also fades away

The Kingdom of God is more real and enduring

How do we get there, the ability to value the things of God
more than the things in the natural?
It is often a step at a time

We can’t pretend to value them, we have to have an encounter with Jesus
Trusting and accepting Him in His word,
what He has told us, what He has shown us
Thomas had an encounter with Jesus:
Jesus saith unto him,
Thomas, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed:
blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed
. John 20:29

Flesh and blood does not reveal the things of God to us:
And Simon Peter answered and said,
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
And Jesus answered and said unto him, 
Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona:
for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee,
but my Father which is in heaven
. Matthew 16:16-17

If you seek God with all your heart, you will find Him:
And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father,
and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind:
for the Lord searcheth all hearts,
and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts:
if thou seek Him, He will be found of thee;
but if thou forsake him, He will cast thee off for ever.

1 Chronicles 28:9

The next time you’re not sure what God wants you to do,
seek Him and wait until He makes the path clear to you
He is able to reach us if we are listening

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