Lessons Learned

This writing is about a friend who taught me a lot.

Shepherds Awry

There are many shepherds that are not following God’s direction.God never wants us to fully trust in any man. Jesus said follow Me. He never said Follow a Shepherd. The Shepherds are to feed the flock. The Shepherds are to care for the flock. Their job is to oversee us, to help us to stay

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The Struggle is Real

Loving your enemies is no easy task. It calls for setting aside your emotions. It calls for bowing before the Lord Most High and doing what He asks of you. To obey His word, even though you have many accusations that you know are valid. Some people are so annoying, and they do things intentionally,

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Scripture Does Not Teach Once Saved, Always Saved

Did you know Solomon didn’t make it? Yes, the wonderful King, King David’s son, the one who wrote all the Proverbs and Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon?The same King who built the Temple for God?The same famous King with all the wisdom?The King who asked God for wisdom and not for wealth?Yes, that King. He

Scripture Does Not Teach Once Saved, Always Saved Read More »