Lessons Learned

This writing is about a friend who taught me a lot.

Our Soon Coming King

Immediately after the tribulation of those daysshall the sun be darkened,and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: Matthew 24:29And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:and then shall all the tribes of the

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People like formulasThey want to systematically solve thingsTo know what’s ahead, to know what will happen nextScientists spend their entire lives studying and developing formulasKnowing that each particle has its place With God, there are no formulasHe commands thingsLove your neighbor as yourselfCarry your crossUse your talentsDesire the Kingdom of GodThey all may sound simpleMuch

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Proclaiming Like John the Baptist

This is where we are now, starting to usher in the Lord Jesus for His Second ComingThis is now the church’s jobThis is what we are doing, proclaiming Jesus and His power and His truth and light just like John the Baptist,but in a different timeTake your place and do what the Lord leads you

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Don’t compromise the word to Keep the peace

You can call it people pleasingBut it means to water down the word, to soften the blow and effect that it may haveBack-stepping a littleMaking the word fit the situation so the hearers may not be convicted,so they will not hate the messenger But whosoever shall deny Me before men,him will I also deny before

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We don’t want to be considered rudimentary by GodMan’s doctrine is rudimentaryIt is in a neat, little packageEverything has its placeThere is no room for new revelationsEverything has been figured out, given a name, given a reason and a purpose Religious people have figured out everything from Creation to Salvation,from healing to casting out devils,from

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