
Be a Peacemaker

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9 Be a peacemaker when you can. When you can’t, you can’t. Preaching the gospel is being a peacemaker between people and God. If we can live peaceably with all humans, we must still do our part, if we can let God’s love

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Lessen Your Dependence on the World

Artificial Intelligence, AI, is making a splash. It’s the latest, greatest craze. It has already become the go-to for many. It likely will be the method from which The Beast rises. It has many fans and many cheerleaders, pushing it onto its elevated status. AI is almost at the point where it can replicate intelligence.

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Clean Faith

Keep yourself unspotted from the worldWatch your intentions, keep them in checkKeep God as your first priorityLove your neighbor as yourselfDon’t touch the unclean thingWash the inside of the cupBring your misgivings before the LordForgiveLoveHave patience with kindnessCare for the widow and the orphanHave mercyDo not wish evil upon anyone, even the wickedDo not call

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