Not Being Nonchalant with Jesus

Calling Down Fire

I have heard people condemn others to actual Hell.Not our place.The word of God says what it says and we cannot change that.God has given many indications that He judges each person individually.That surely does not mean we can ignore things in the bible that bother us or change any meanings.What it means is He […]

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Not So Easy Sometimes

Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:26 How do we really trust in Jesus?We know we are supposed to. We know Jesus can calm the seas and remedy everything that we encounter. We are

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The Struggle is Real

Loving your enemies is no easy task. It calls for setting aside your emotions. It calls for bowing before the Lord Most High and doing what He asks of you. To obey His word, even though you have many accusations that you know are valid. Some people are so annoying, and they do things intentionally,

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ

The Revelation of Jesus ChristJohn wrote that book, by inspiration of the Holy SpiritHe saw JesusJohn knew Jesus when He walked on the EarthHe saw visions of The End of Time and shared those in The Book of RevelationHe saw Heaven and actually saw Jesus’ attire and what He looks like in realityMost of us

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God Bless America

Remember when Abraham and God were going back and forth about how many people might be righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah? Abraham stopped at 10America is on her way to the Judgment of GodThat is sure, that is promised, as is the promise of Judgment for all the worldWill God stay His hand if enough

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