Say Unto the Nations: Thus Says the Lord

Say unto the Nations: Thus says the Lord (7)

The foxes have their holes and the birds of the air have their nests but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head.You will soon be considered wanderers, going from place to place.Do not think that I have forsaken you.I have warned you.They shall take all that you have.I have warned you before.Do

Say unto the Nations: Thus says the Lord (7) Read More »

Say Unto the Nations, Thus Says the Lord (3)

There have been many generations before this one who have contributed to the fierce anger I am experiencing, the many who have spurned My name, the many who have chosen wickedness over righteousness. But this generation is the worst. This generation has given Me much grief and has refused My Holy Spirit.Your punishment shall be

Say Unto the Nations, Thus Says the Lord (3) Read More »