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Why Should We Pray?

Prayer is a petitionPrayer is an offeringThe Word of God instructs us to pray many times in many ways for many reasonsPray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17Prayer combined with watching Ephesians 6:18Prayer trusting only in God Matthew 6:6Prayer to let your supplications be known with thanksgiving Philippians 4:6Jesus told us how to pray: Matthew 6:9-13Pray […]

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Suffering Guilt

Suffering guilt is not fun. Suffering shame. Rehashing mistakes made, or intentional sins. We are far less than perfect. We are bound to make mistakes. We are living in a fallen world. What is this perfection Jesus is talking about?Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.Matthew 5:48 Speak

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God Will Deal With The Wicked

And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands. 1 Samuel 17:47 When you have been treated unfairly and it seems the enemy has won, The Battle belongs to the Lord. If you can stand before the

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With God, All Things Are Possible

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26 Jesus said this after His disciples asked JesusHow then can anyone be saved? He also said this to Mary, the mother of Jesus when she wondered how she could have a child when she had

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When You Are Feeling Insignificant

We all feel that way from time to timeInsignificantNot important to this person or thatSometimes feeling not so important to GodIt’s a big world and He’s a big GodHe has a lot of things on His mindEven though He says in His word:He loves us, He created us and has a purpose for our livesEven

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My Heart is too Broken to Break More

My heart is already in so many piecesIt has been shatteredNot even begun to be put back together againTo be healed, renewedI can’t hear a thing and I have misheard plentyI see in Your word, You were bruised and broken and even diedI have not died to my flesh the way You requireOnly triedNot succeededThe

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Israel-Palestine War Expanded

UpheavalChaosTurmoilBickeringFightingHatredAttacksTaking sidesDangerWarStabbingsShootingsExplosionsVideosScreamingPainBloodRageDestructionDeathFalse ReportsFalse PropheciesTwisting the truthTelling lies We are seeing a war in Israel right now. Hamas staged an unprecedented attack against Israel and broke through the walls from Gaza. They had planned it for some time. Many of the countries on earth have taken sides. Russia has spoken up against Israel and the US

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Keeping Jesus as the Focus

Why is it so hard to keep Jesus as the focal point sometimes?The world and its stupid problems creep in and get inside our minds and then, it’s hard to unravel all of their webs,to remember and realize all the wonderful things about Jesus we know. Those thoughts of frustration can keep coming back. Sometimes

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Tears Can Be a Form of Prayer

God can hear tearsHe knows all of our thoughts and our concernsWhen we cry, or cry unto Him, hoping He can hear us and understand and help us He hears, He listens and help from Him is on the wayIf we cry because we can’t talk when we are so upset and words cannot come

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