When You’re Depleted

The Loveliest of Things

 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 Puppy BreathFall LeavesLove in your heartA soft whisper from the […]

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Having Done all to Stand

Sometimes prayers take a while to get answered. You know what they say, God’s Timing. God is working behind the scenes. He is not as concerned with the surface as we are. You know the surface, what you feel, see and touch, the natural circumstances. God is always looking deeper. God looks at our heart,

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God is God but He is our Father

Have you ever noticed children of famous people, not so much the older ones, but the young ones who are still somewhat innocent, those who haven’t been touched by fame and fortune? Those little kids love their dads, not because they are famous, but they just love them because they know them in a deeper

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Following Jesus, Carrying the Cross

UphillSome rocky terrainRarely smoothKeep trudging alongPainful at timesRestful at timesHappy and joyous deep inside for knowing Jesusand for getting to know Him betterClimbingNever looking backOnwardIncreasing faith The word is aliveDoing its workLearning moreUnsearchable graceMercy without endRealizing gems and treasures from the Holy SpiritWhat would a hug from Jesus be like?Remember what Jesus told Thomas?Blessed are

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