Correcting Regrets

The last little while I have been lamenting over those to whom I have not shared the gospel. People who have been in my life, neighbors, coworkers, people I might not have known well but still had the opportunity to share what I knew and had not taken it.

We can’t go back.

We can still pray, and if the Lord gives another idea to remedy things, take it.

Let me be a reflection of the beauty and holiness of the Lord.
I do a terrible job at that sometimes.

There are times I missed it.
Maybe I wasn’t available, maybe I was too caught up in life.
Things can’t be forced.
The flesh profits nothing.
We are to be yielded to the Holy Spirit.
Without our prayers for those who don’t know God, who prays for them?
What if no one had prayed for us before we realized who Jesus really was?
The Messiah, the Chosen One of God.

Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest,
that he will send forth labourers into his harvest
. Matthew 9:38

There were two neighbors that are on my heart. And a coworker.
Jesus reminded me to pray for them
after I reminded Him how I had failed in those missions.
Not as kind as I could have been, not as loving as I should have been.

At this point, what can I do?
I can be one who waters through prayer:
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:6
God is the only One who can reach them.
It is by His Spirit than any of us know anything about Jesus.
Maybe the Lord will choose to give them a powerful dream about Himself? Maybe they will be prompted by the Lord to visit a church?
or maybe pick up a bible and read it?
when the voice of God Himself will speak to them.

We are frail creatures who disappoint God often.
We can still draw on His strength, stay open to His ideas,
be our mere mortal selves less often.

We should not get too surprised by ourselves about what we haven’t done.
Disregarding God’s voice is something humans do quite often.
When He asks us to do something, it is best we do it.
If we don’t, we are unfaithful.
Though we are unfaithful,
we can still ask Him to give us the strength to do what He asks of us.
We don’t want to bury our gifts or opportunities.
If we do,, what a shame, what a waste.
We are talking about forever here.

To please God is a wonderful thing.
To share with others the truth we know so they, too, can know Jesus,
is one of the most pleasing things we can do for God.
Isn’t this really what it means when Jesus tells us
to love our neighbor as ourselves?
Sharing the good news, the Revelation of Who Jesus is?
Let His light shine so that others can see.
The times are getting very dark.
If they don’t choose Him soon, their opportunity may be lost.
Let that not be because we didn’t share what we know.

All things have been delivered to Me by My Father,
and no one knows who the Son is except the Father,
and who the Father is except the Son,
and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.
Luke 10:22

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