counterfeit Christianity

Beware of those who practice false doctrine and lusts of many types.
People can lust for the things of God, the miracles of God,
the admiration of being godly without desiring God Himself.
Who are they?
What is the litmus test?

They are easier to spot if you use these clues:
The love of the world is in them 1 John 2:15
The love of the world includes trying to be a part of the world by being accepted by the world even if that compromises the Word of God

They try to mix in modern-day philosophies
and acceptances and excuse them in the Word Isaiah 5:20
The world is constantly changing but the Word of God does not change

Super spiritual Luke 20:46
Set themselves up so that they are considered the ultimate authority

Point out how great they are Luke 18:9-14
Showing their strengths and glories and forgetting to exalt God

Use Jesus as a stepping stone to their glorification Philippians 2:3-4
Jesus should always be the focal point of our lives and of everything we do

Believe God’s power belongs to them John 15:5
As John says, “Without Him, we can do nothing.”

Who challenges or even changes the word of God,
excuses the hard sayings of Christ
in a way that demonstrates
shame or embarrassment of God’s word Luke 9:26
If we are ashamed of His words, so will He be ashamed of those who do not hold His word as true before others

Do not confess Jesus Christ as Lord 1 John 4:3
There are many gods but only one True God, that is Jesus the Christ

Say they have words from the Lord to direct others’ lives 1 Corinthians 14:3
The reason for prophecies from the Lord are to encourage others in the Lord, not to tell them how to live their lives or what to do
Prophetic words can be for warning or confirmation but not to be used like a medium or a bridge between God and another human

Preaches God predestinates souls for Salvation or Damnation
Matthew 25:41+Genesis 1:27
We were created in the image of God

Are sure there is no way to lose their salvation Revelation 22:19
Some argue that well, if they aren’t saved in the end, they were never saved Jesus is very clear there are many ways to lose your salvation
He teaches about many of them in the Sermon on the Mount

The most sure way to keep yourself pure from Counterfeit Christianity
is to keep Jesus as the center of your heart and life
and to always seek answers in His word
to those questions you are not sure of

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come,
he will guide you into all truth:
for he shall not speak of himself;
but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:
and he will shew you things to come.
He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine,
and shall shew it unto you.
All things that the Father hath are mine:
therefore said I, that he shall take of mine,
and shall shew it unto you. John 16:13-15

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