Demonic Influence

The people around us can be affected by demons
Some can be fully possessed, some just do their bidding
Some serve them because they have refused to serve God
and the demons have the right and authority to use those people
Those people are around us
and sometimes are used to attack us in many ways:
emotionally, physically, all sorts of ways that can harm us
The hope is that we seek refuge in God and forgive and love our enemies

As David was sought by Saul, the bible says the spirit of the Lord left Saul:
But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul,
and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him
. 1 Samuel 16:14
So, this can even happen by those who follow the Lord
if they turn against the Lord

When David was being hunted by Saul, it was a difficult time for David
He had been anointed to be King,
but Saul was still in the position until the Lord chose to remove him
God’s timing is not our timing
David had servants who would have killed for him,
but David let it play out, not putting a finger on Saul
Finally, Saul was killed and David had nothing to do with it
God elevated David to the position of King and this is history

Most of the time, we could follow David’s example
He did some things well
He served the Lord
He wrote beautiful Psalms
He trusted the Lord and was faithful to God
He received discipline from the Lord that lasted his whole life
But God still loved David and looked on his heart
David had God’s spirit on him
and he had many enemies both within and without his Kingdom
Probably a lot like most of us
The demonic forces were present
and David needed to seek refuge in God, like we do

As we walk in this world, we will encounter various demonic influences
Sometimes we’ll notice right away,
other times we will figure it out after the fact
Jesus is our only refuge, we cannot battle against them in the flesh
Jesus will give us strength and wisdom,
and He will crush our enemies who are trying to hinder His work in our lives

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds
2 Corinthians 10;4

The word of God has all the truth of how we can battle the enemy
Seek God to teach you in His word how to combat demonic influences
and to give you the power of His Holy Spirit

Is not My word like as a fire? saith the Lord;
and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces
? Jeremiah 22:29

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