Do Not Cast Your Pearls Before Swine

Do not cast your pearls before swine
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs,
neither cast ye your pearls before swine,
lest they trample them under their feet,
and turn again and rend you. Matthew 7:6

This scripture can be found in The Sermon on the Mount
Arguably the best sermon ever preached
All encompassing
The map of how to be a good follower of the Lord
I don’t think He left anything out

Telling us not to cast our pearls before swine
is nestled in the section about judging
and how we should not look at our brothers’ faults
without realizing our own faults first

We’ve all had that experience
where you shared something you consider valuable with someone
and you wished you hadn’t because they didn’t value it
and instead of them cherishing the pearls that you have shared,
they discard them, count them as nothing
and you are left feeling like you wished you had never said anything
Or even worse, when you find out someone whom you trusted
had different thoughts about what was in your heart
than you thought they did
They were playing the part of confidant without being honest
Hurt in more ways than words can describe
Why didn’t they see things the way you did or listen more intently?
How can they just disregard your feelings like that?

Then we have to forgive as soon as is possible
and be reminded we are no more perfect than they are
It is difficult because it happened to you
and you may be someone who understands
and not everyone does and not everyone cares
or wants to take the time to get to that place
Or they have their own judgments that they have accumulated

So difficult when people do not honor your heart
or what you’re going through or what you have shared with them
A loved one who didn’t get it
or who had been judging the way you have handled your situation
makes you never want to share anything with them again
Forgiveness, right?
Yes, but also being cautious about how much you share is a lesson,
the take away here

He that covereth a transgression seeketh love;
but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends. Proverbs 17:9

We can’t share our heart with everyone
and if someone proves that their heart is not with you, don’t get mad,
forgive them and realize you must be more careful in what you tell them
Maybe it is up to you to explain more to them so they can understand,
either way, learn your lesson and let it be
If you think they are capable of being able to understand your heart,
the deepest parts that you would like to share with another human,
then you can try again

Of course our secrets are safe with God
He understands us and will never crush our feelings that we trust to Him,
We can share with Him, safely
Humans are another story
We have to be careful for our own good
and not cast our pearls before swine,
not share too much until we know it is safe,
guard our hearts, otherwise, we might find ourselves feeling devastated
by someone who has not honored our most precious feelings and thoughts

Remember King David?
When he danced before the Lord and his wife Michal hated him for it?
Yeah, she was behaving like a swine then
And as the ark of the Lord came into the city of David,
Michal Saul’s daughter looked through a window,
and saw king David leaping and dancing before the Lord;
and she despised him in her heart
. 2 Samuel 6:16
We should be free to be ourselves
and serve the Lord the way we feel He wants us to
Not everyone will understand us
We must be careful for our own good to hold back at times

Not everyone is worthy of what is in your heart and that is okay

Sift and be wise
And when such experiences crop up,
remember there is no better friend than Jesus who can understand you
He won’t make fun of you or dismiss you or misunderstand you
He will help you

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves:
be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16

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