Do you pat yourself on the Back?

Do you pat yourself on the back?
Slightly impressed with your servitude to God?
Do you secretly, or not, try to impress others?
Let others know how many righteous things you do for God?
Do you try to impress God, which is not the same as trying to please Him?
The road is narrow
Very few find it, the way to life
A very minute few
Not very many at all

Is your position entitled?
Is that position given to you by yourself?
Or are you appreciative every second
that you are even considered worthy to walk, following Christ?
Where is God on your walk?
Beside you? In front of you? Perhaps behind you?
God wants your life freely given to Him
The Lord loves a cheerful giver

If you are trying to make your own self valuable to God,
you could be going about this the wrong way
He bought you with a price, and you are priceless to Him
It is not possible to pay Him back
Honoring yourself and the things you do for Him is prideful and emptiness

Jesus’ expectations for us to follow Him are stringent, but not unreasonable
He wants all and He is forthright to us about it
Be hot, on fire for Jesus
Do not put any god or any other person or thing before Him
Especially not yourself
Reminding Him that we shine for Him
and that we do all that we are supposed to do does little

You will never be able to repay God,
even if it were possible, and to try to do so is an insult to Him
Instead of showing Him how great you are
and how lucky He is to have you follow Him,
Keep in mind how great He is and how blessed you are to know Him
He wants us to appreciate and use the gifts He has given
And using those gifts and talents for His kingdom
are honorable ways we can show Him how thankful we are

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