Ears to Hear

He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 11:15

Not everybody can hear
God is calling out loud and clear
For those who are encumbered by the things of the world,
God’s voice may be drowned out
Choose ye this day whom you will serve
Everyone has a chance
Far away people who don’t have missionaries
have had dreams of Christ, the Messiah
He showed them who He was
God is always reaching out and some do not listen to His call

We can’t determine whether or not someone will have ears to hear
Only God can do that
We need to be obedient and do what the Holy Spirit leads us to do,
to say what the Holy Spirit leads us to say
How the people respond is their responsibility
Just like when Jonah warned the people on Nineveh
The whole town repented at the direction of the king
God saw that and held back His judgment

And God saw their works,
that they turned from their evil way;
and God repented of the evil,
that he had said that he would do unto them;
and He did it not. Jonah 3:10

People can also repent to the Lord today as He calls out to them
God’s heart toward people is that they will listen and hear His call,
repent of their sin and turn to Him
There is no way we can know whether they will or whether they won’t
We just need to do what we know God wants us to do, whatever that is

Some people will never listen
We cannot change hearts
We cannot open ears
We can be obedient though
Maybe we can help God out to reach the lost,
to share our testimony, what God has done in our lives

The time is very short
The door is almost shut
If one ignores the call of God, that call may not be there tomorrow
That call can be for salvation or to get your life on track with Him
Whatever your state, listen and heed the call of God

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