Enter into the Joy of thy Lord

His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant;
thou hast been faithful over a few things,
I will make thee ruler over many things:
enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matthew 25:23

This is from the parables of the talents Matthew 25:14-30
The ones who used their talents given to them and the one who didn’t

The one who disappointed God did not know the Lord
because had he known Him, he would have realized
that he had to use his talents
Why are the talents so important?
Because those represent what we are given by God
to help bring others into the Kingdom
If we do not value the Kingdom of God,
we are not valuing our salvation, our eternal home and God Himself

The talents can be used in many ways and do not stand for any one thing
It is not just your singing abilities
or your carpentry skills
or your gift of hospitality
or your intelligence
It is valuing the Kingdom of God each and every opportunity that arises,
sharing His Kingdom with others as often and as much as you can
so that they, too, will know Jesus

If you give to a ministry that serves lepers in Jesus’ name,
you are helping lepers
Or children at an orphanage
Imagine if Jesus were a child in the orphanage,
helping Him learn and eat and have access to medicine and water
Talents can represent many things
Maybe you’re the doctor that serves people who need medical care
The point is that your heart is pointed toward
helping others to reach the Kingdom
Doing this for the least of these and ultimately,
doing what is within your ability for Him

Each deed will be recognized
And God knows every choice
He honors those choices made for Him
He will reward us for any effort made toward the Kingdom of God
It is also a mindset, a way to honor our Lord in everything we do,
in every opportunity we have
to draw closer to Him and realizing what is truly important in life

This is not to be seen before people to receive honor from them,
but rather trusting that He has brought the people across our path,
to give us an opportunity to share a part of God’s heart with them

As we learn about Jesus, we become more acquainted with His heart
and the people that He loves and wishes to reach

Have you ever had someone do something for you,
they are there and you are not?
They can do it and you ask them to complete a task?
Could be something as simple as picking up a gallon of milk
or medicine from the pharmacy when you are sick
or as complicated as delivering a legal document
by a certain time to the proper person

You know how much you appreciate the one who did that for you
With God it is similar but on a much grander scale

If you do this unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me

Finding God’s heart in all things is the treasure we should look for
How does God feel about it?
What does His word say?
Where is a similar story in His word
that will tell us the answers to those questions?

Keeping your mind on His kingdom as much as is possible,
learning about His character,
drawing close to Him,
allowing Him to come in and sup with you

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:
if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I
will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:20

We are all given talents and abilities
If we use them for Him that is going to affect the Kingdom of God
He may give you the chance to make a difference in someone’s life
If He does, you are truly blessed
Dig those talents out of the dirt and use them for His glory
Link with His heart
Find Him in each moment

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