
Failings are common
We miss the mark at times, in certain situations, as we walk through life
Even when we have given our lives to the Lord and are carrying our cross
The failings can hit us hard, some of that might be pride
They seem to always be memorable, even recent,
somehow we can’t avoid failing ourselves and God

How do we get beyond them?
How do we let ourselves off the hook?
How do we accept and receive forgiveness
or accept that that was not quite the direction God wanted us to go?
Sometimes, God is in the failings
He uses them to teach us, to remind us that we are not all that,
to remind us that He opens doors and shuts doors,
to show us that He has another direction He wants us to go
When something happens that blocks our way,
we might consider if a failing, but it may be a closed door
Always look for the blessings especially in our failings
There may be another direction God is trying to show us

We can have a failed relationship, which is a complex process or dynamic
God helps relationships, and sometimes, He helps them to fail
Maybe it is our fault, maybe partially, maybe God has lifted His grace
We don’t always know, even when we ask for clarity
That is where our trust in Him and in His work in our lives is meant to be solid,
knowing that He works things out for our good
when we are on the straight and narrow path, trying hard to please Him
When our hearts are pure toward Him, Jesus will intervene,
He will block certain things, certain people, certain experiences
We feel the failing, when our children don’t follow Jesus the way we hope,
those whom we love can have substance abuses, hardness of heart,
all sorts of things that keep us from being successful in the world’s eyes
or in our eyes as the parents we are supposed to be
Jesus does not look at us the same way
He is not looking at our failings,
He is looking at our hearts and our desire to serve Him
The circumstances we find ourselves in when we serve Him can be grueling,

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience
. James 1:2-3
Count it all joy?
Yes, that is what it says: Count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations
Work is happening in your life, in your heart:
The trying of your faith works patience

Those times of failings are lessons sometimes, and sometimes,
it can be said that life is hard
It’s always something, even for those not walking with the Lord,
The unbelievers have difficulties
We, however, know God is in our lives,
working to will and do His good pleasure,
opening and shutting doors, asking us to trust
and remembering that He is faithful to change us into that vessel
He has intended us to be
The failings are not our enemy, we learn from them
They teach us humility, endurance, compassion
We know if we pray God’s will, we get God’s will,
so sometimes, it is accepting the failings, letting them be and moving on

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28

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