Faith for Toilet Paper

I’m writing this in 2020 for you who might be reading this in the future and you may not know. The first part of 2020, the worldwide pandemic, that is Covid 19, otherwise known as the Coronavirus, the rona, and covid and other names people would make up, caused a turmoil in the population.

Panic set in. At first, people rushed to the store and purchased necessities. All the stores ran out of toilet paper and other necessities such as rice, flower, canned beans. Several of the grocery shelves were bare, which was unusual for the USA. The land of plenty. The overabundance of everything.

It was very hard to find toilet paper. I checked several stores, even went very early to try to be one of the first ones there. I had some and I didn’t want to run out. My quest didn’t work. I like a particular brand. It’s very soft and the other kinds seem to have rougher paper which causes me irritation. So I was telling my friend how difficult it was to find.
“I sometimes can find TP but not the kind I want. I like the soft brand.”
“You may just have to settle for what you can find.”
“No, God understands how irritated I get and He will provide for me. I have no doubt.”

So, I went to the stores and at each store I asked several stock people when I would go to the store only to find empty shelves. Most answered, “You never know when we’ll get it or what brand we’ll get.” One said, we get our shipments at night but the lines are so long that we run out and we never know if we will get the brand you want.”

I finally found a good answer: “If you get here early in the morning, you should find it. We run out by around 9, so get here way before that.”

I followed her advice. I arrived early and there were 5 12-packs left of the brand I wanted, the soft one. I thanked the Lord for supplying something that was important to me.

On the way home, I continued to thank Him for the TP and for caring about a small thing that meant a lot to me. I had no doubt He would take care of me and I heard Him say: “You believe Me for Toilet Paper. How about believing Me for big things?”

I had been challenged. I had also realized that His heart is for us, that when we seek His will, He is right along with us. We should trust and know that He will come through for us, just as He has in the past for other things that we saw Him fulfill.

Psalm 136

Psalm 136 (link directly above) is one of my favorite psalms because it lists many miracles of faith that were performed over the years. The psalmist was able to recollect and gather together these works of God to build his faith by remembering what God has already done. These remembrances of miracles bring a renewal of faith to us.

Revelation 12:10 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

Faith is given to us by the Lord. So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

There are so many scriptures about faith that it would be impossible to include them all here. You can find faith in every single word of God. He is His word. Consider the question the Lord asked me and let that also be a challenge to you.

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