Feeling Afraid

I’ve heard people state how many times God says ‘Do Not Fear’ in the bible.
While this is true, if you’re afraid, you’re afraid.
Even if you know you’re not supposed to be.
Knowing God doesn’t want us to be afraid can be helpful.
We still might be concerned or even scared.

When I was first a Christian, I had come out of all sorts of darkness.
Some of it seemed to linger.
I faintly remember seeing demonic influences at times.
I knew they were there sometimes and I would get scared.
Usually, at night when I was going to turn out the lights.

I learned very quickly when I read the bible, I was not scared.
If I read it out loud, that seemed to be more comforting,
hearing it and reading it.
Either way, the fear subsided when I read the bible,
when I filled my thoughts with God’s word.
God’s word is very powerful.
God is His word, so the word is God in written form.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God
. John 1:1
I noticed no matter where I read, whether it was Psalms or Genesis
or Leviticus or Hebrews or 2 Peter, it made no difference.
I often read from wherever I opened up the bible.
Even if there seemed to be no immediate message, the fear went away.
Gone, vanished as soon as I started reading and then it stayed away.

Reading to get rid of fear showed me how powerful His word was.
So shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth:
it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it
. Isaiah 55:11
God’s word never comes back empty.
It always accomplishes something.
I remember that for all sorts of reasons and particularly for fear
or when I preach the gospel to others, I speak His word.
His word reminds me to trust God,
to keep things in His hands, not my own.
His word reminds me to let Him guide my way, my thoughts,
to let Him guide my life in every way.
Then the fear or worry or concern slowly fades.

2 thoughts on “Feeling Afraid”

  1. this was good to read. I also struggle with No fear. I am a parent- of course I fear. And this crazy world that wants to kill everyone off.
    I try to think of the fear now more as common sense and to prepare and be wise. Not scared exactly- just aware of dangers.
    It is amazing what prayer can do when fear is upon a person. I think OFTEN of Daniel. Surely he was afraid- but he had faith.
    The lions surely would have smelled his fear – but i believe he stilled it through faith.

    1. Great thoughts. Thanks for reading! We can do nothing without Him. So it is by faith that we receive His strength or anything else we might need. That was the mistake of Peter when he denied the Lord, he was trying to be brave in his own strength. Impossible. But with God, all things are possible. Tough times are coming and our yielding to Him will allow us to endure, which is in Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

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