Feeling Out of Tune with God

One, little, measly sin can get you out of tune with God
I had to go to a training yesterday, 15 hours ago
I hated the training, I felt like I was in kindergarten again
The presenter was patronizing
I’m still irritated
and I feel out of touch with God

I let it take over my thoughts
The presenter went over her allotted time,
which meant I was not getting paid after a certain point,
which irritated me even more
I stood up, put on my coat and held my belongings,
so she could see I was ready to go
The clock had struck her promised time
which was only a moment or two before,
but if I hadn’t reminded her,
the questions could have gone on for many more minutes
I don’t suppose God was happy with my impatience
But since I feel so far away from Him right now, I have no idea how He feels

I hated the pointless training so much I want to leave that job
That’s how much I hated it

I am not expecting anyone to empathize with me as we are all different
Each of us has our limits and our frustrations
Our flesh can take hold of our spirits at any given time
I only used this as an example of what can grow bigger than we like,
to take us far away from God with the festering of bitterness
that can go along with letting the flesh be in control
Where was my self-control when I needed it?

If I can’t handle going to an unpleasant training,
how am I supposed to go through greater trials and stand for the Lord?
And how He would like us to behave? Like loving your enemies?

Paul would be greatly ashamed of me as a Christian
How do I get back on track?
How do I find the Lord’s Love and Mercy and Kindness?

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour
: 1 Peter 5:8

We all have different weaknesses and strengths and we know what they are, but there is another one who also lies in wait to remind us of those
How do we get the victory over our flesh?
Let alone battle Satan and his temptations
to stray from being the people we know the Lord wants us to be?

I’m not sure I can gain the victory just yet
Maybe I can start by forgiving the presenter for being so patronizing
Then the person who said I had to go to the pointless training
Maybe I can sit in there are pray quietly for each person while I’m there?
There has to be a solution somehow,
that I can reconcile my flesh to be submissive to the Lord in this
and be a good example of kindness and patience for others

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about
with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which doth so easily beset us,
and let us run with patience the race that is set before us
, Hebrews 12:1
Where are those witnesses? I can’t hear them
I can’t hear God
I can’t stop thinking about my frustration
and now all the failures before God I’ve had since this all started

Our struggles can be right inside of us
But the good thing is the Holy Spirit lives right inside of us, too
It’s a matter of letting Him take the reigns again
Laying down our transgressions at Jesus’ feet and letting Him cleanse them
Then, taking that cross and carrying it again
A seemingly impossible task at the moment

And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible,
but not with God: for with God all things are possible
. Mark 10:27

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