God fills Heaven and Earth
Every single part
Way down in the depths of the Earth
Permeating every crack and crevice
There is nowhere to escape His presence
To a Christian, that is comforting
To the wicked, they are still unaware, until they realize it
They might not realize it until they die
and they end up in the underworld of Hell and its flames and torments
God is love
Our God is also a God of Wrath
If He extends His goodness and then it is often refused,
His Spirit will not always strive with man
At some point, He will run out of patience
At some point, the door will shut
Jesus is the door
He is the only way to the Father
There is no other way
God is Maker of Heaven and Earth, the sea and the dry land
Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord.
Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord. Jeremiah 23:24