God’s Judgment is on the Earth

God’s Judgment is here
The fulness of His Judgment has not yet been poured out
Nestle yourself in Him
Do not insist on bringing your idols or anything that distracts you from Him
Come into His presence and give Him everything you are,
everything you have

Let Him be the front and center
Nothing less will do
Anything in this world you cling to will be torn away
unless you choose the world

The time is coming when a choice will be upon us:
Choose the world or choose the Lord
He is calling us to draw near to Him
To give up our houses and families and lands
We will have tough choices to make in the days ahead
Our comforts will be sparse
The things we have become dependent on may no longer be there
The time to trust and draw on the strength of the Lord
will be where we can find our solace

 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15 

Those who are addicted to things such as pornography,
video games, alcohol, drugs, even food will be in a battle
All things we rely on or depend on will pull at us, tug at us, as if being torn

Turn your focus and attention fully on Jesus
Fill yourself with His word, cast off the things that bind you
Let go of it all, the money, possessions, the great wealth and safety
you have trusted in to keep you safe

We are soon entering a new realm
None of those things will be there for those who choose the Lord
Our provision will come from Him
We will need to be completely reliant on Him to survive,
to find our peace, our rest
and to be able to function in the turmoil that is ahead

Put off the world, let go of your entanglements
Let go of anything that captivates you, that draws you away from the Lord
Focus on Him
That is the only way any of us will make it

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches;
He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. Revelation 2:11

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