How to Test Dreams and Visions and Words from the Lord

And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh;
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
your young men shall see visions:
And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days
will I pour out my spirit
. Joel 2:28-31

We need to first understand why we have extra admonitions from the Lord
We have His word, why do we need anything else?
Surely the Lord God will do nothing,
but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets
. Amos 3:7
He tells us things in advance
so we will know when they come to pass, what He has done
Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass,
ye may believe that I am He.
 John 13:19

That is why God tells us anything in advance
and why the future is written in His word
It is also exactly how we can know a real prophet from a false one
Whether or not the things shown or spoken come to pass

I have had several dreams that I know were from the Lord
There is one that I have thought of lately
I was in Portland and a nuclear bomb went off
It was obvious we were going to die
I met a lady and she had two children with her
and was trying to shield her children from the blast and impending fallout
I told her she did not need to be afraid, that she should call on Jesus
She said, “No, no, no, no, no!” as she shook her head emphatically

This dream was not a literal dream
I don’t live in Portland any longer and there was no staircase going down
where I saw her trying to hide
I believe it was a message that when perilous times come,
that we will try to share the gospel
and we will be refused, but we still must try
I believe we are there now, the time is very short

We will encounter perilous times and the only One we can turn to is Jesus
That does not mean there was not a message in that dream
Sometimes there is a general message
and sometimes the dreams I have heard are very specific
Perhaps some who hear them will encounter similar situations
and it is to help prepare them

When you hear people share their dreams, they are to be taken to the Lord,
if they are warning dreams, we have the Holy Spirit to bear witness to us

There are some people who seem to have many words from the Lord
Some get them claim to get words every day
and sometimes, even more than one throughout the day
Prophets are subject to the prophets
There are very few true prophets operating
There can be flesh mixed in and even a lying spirit
It is true that the words must reflect the bible,
but when a specific event is being foretold,
that will not necessarily be in the bible
The litmus test is always, who is being exalted?
Jesus should always be the center, never giving the prophet glory
We also need to pray for discernment
and understand that flesh can be involved or even an evil spirit, lying
We should never look to any of these people as the ultimate voice of God
We are not to follow them, we are to follow Jesus and seek His face always

But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. 1 Corinthians 14:3

We want to be careful not to look to any of these people
as the one who brings the word of God to us,
the Holy Spirit is dedicated to teach each of us
If we receive knowledge from Him, we may share it to encourage the body
But stay humble and remember, if it doesn’t exalt Jesus, it’s not from Jesus
and under any circumstances, if it conflicts with the word of God,
that is a big, huge, red flag

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