If I Could See Like God

If I could see like God,
I would look on the heart in all its beauty or ugliness
whatever the case may be
I’d listen to those who called on Him
I’d cry and pain for those who didn’t 
I’d lend my hand to those who reached out
I’d value and honor those whose hearts were pure

If I could see like God,
I’d strengthen those who had tried
I’d bless those who comforted others in His name
I’d feed those who lacked
I’d lend to the poor knowing He would pay me back
I’d search for the lost souls
I’d reach out to those who did not consider themselves better than others

If I could see like God,
I would bring the weary to His throne so He could honor them
and love them and help them in their time of need
I’d dig through the rubble to find the buried and weeping souls
and use my money toward efforts
to gather more people for the kingdom

If I could see like God,
I would not value the things this world offers as great
such as fame and fortune and excessive comforts
I’d leave all this worldly idolatry that is so futile
and bring my best to Him

If I could see like God,
I would not honor one race over another
I’d remember that each human was created by Him
for His pleasure and then
I would look at all peoples the same and remember to see their inside
I’d look for the good in them
I’d dance when they found the Lord and their journey for eternity began

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