If You Lose the Fear of God, You Have Lost Everything

The Fear of God and the feeling of guilt are not the same.
Guilt is a way some people feel God thinks about them, guilty.
Guilt is not what God teaches.
Even when God is disappointed with us,
when He is saddened that we did not walk in His way,
He gives us a hand up, a way to make things right with Him.
The bible teaches us to make choices.
You either choose Jesus or the world,
You choose Jesus’ way or your way,
you choose good or evil. No in between.

The fear of God is knowing He can throw you into Hell if He so chooses,
that He is righteous and Holy and He cannot tolerate sin.

We rely on His mercy and Grace, not on our efforts of goodness
or the wonderful acts we think we have done for Him.
God cannot be bought or manipulated or demanded of.
None of these tactics will work when we are standing before His throne,
naked and bare, everything will be exposed to our Creator.

To be saved is an absolute term.

But if we rely on ourselves and doing what we think we should do,
we are sorely mistaken.
We are trusting in ourselves.
Who is the Savior?
What is He worthy of?
For us to consider Jesus a doormat to be able to approach God,
we have lost the fear of God.
Jesus is God.
Jesus is the way, He is the door, He is the gate.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life
and no man comes to the Father but by Him.
He is the Alpha and Omega.
The world paints a picture of Jesus as a pushover, a softie,
someone who won’t stand up for Himself.

That is far from who Jesus is in the Bible
He was all God and all man on a mission to lay down His life
and show who He was to those who would listen.

He performed many miracles and the Pharisees,
the Teachers of the Law, despised Him.
They had their own ideas of who the Messiah would be
and Jesus was not the one they were looking for.

The picture is clear to those who have had their eyes opened,
to others, Jesus was just a good man.

In whom the god of this world
hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,
lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ,
who is the image of God, should shine unto them
. 2 Corinthians 4:4

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