Jesus is the Word of God

Jesus is the Word John 1:1
Jesus is His word John 1:14
His name is the Word of God Revelation 19:13
Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever Hebrews 13:8
His word bears witness of the Father John 8:18
His word is inspired 2 Timothy 3:16
His word testifies of Him John 5:39
His word is filled with power Ezekiel 12:25
His word makes you wise Matthew 7:24
His word is infallible 2 Samuel 22:31
His word reveals Isaiah 66:2
His word judges John 12:48
His word is pure holiness Psalm 12:6
His word illuminates Psalm 119:105
His word is alive Deuteronomy 30:14
His word is active and sharper than any two-edged sword Hebrews 4:12
His word is eternal Matthew 24:35
His word is Truth John 17:17
His word is Righteousness Romans 7:12
His word reveals His Deity to us Hebrews 1:3
His word rebukes Numbers 15:31
His word created the heavens Psalm 33:6
and the earth Genesis 1:9
and the sea Genesis 1:20
His word created all things Revelation 4:11
His word comforts Psalm 119:50
His word is love 1 John 2:5
His word is the author and finisher of our faith Romans 10:17
His word heals and delivers Psalm 107:20
His word shields Genesis 15:1
His word is faithful Isaiah 55:11
His word stands forever Isaiah 40:8
His word is mighty Jeremiah 23:29
His word describes His appearance Revelation 1:12-15
His word describes His appearing Revelation 1:7
His word describes the beginning Revelation 1:8
And the end Revelation 22:13
His word forgives Numbers 14:20
His word redeems Psalm 19:7
His word pierces Luke 11:28
His word cleanses John 15:3
His word is the bread of life Deuteronomy 8:3
His word is the living water Ephesians 5:26
His word satisfies Proverbs 2:6
His word speaks to those listening Revelation 13:9
His word is hidden treasure Matthew 6:21
Jesus, the Word is to be desired more than all the riches on earth 1 Peter 1:7

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