Judging God

It’s always amazing to me that people are not interested in God
They somehow do not believe
Or believe in a false god,
one that fits their desire of how they think God should be

The One True God, the God of the Bible, Adonai, the Great I Am,
the Living God and His Son Jesus the Christ,
you have to accept Him as He is
We can’t make God fit our mold
God is who He is and to accept Him as He is is accepting the truth,
accepting His word and ultimately, accepting Him as God

The Israelites made a molten calf
when God didn’t act like they thought He should
He was silent
We can’t mold and change God unto our image
The Pharisees and the Sadducees didn’t like what Jesus said
Some people like some of Jesus’ words but not all of them
You don’t have to like all of His words, but you still have to accept them,
humble yourself before Him and realize that He knows better than mortals

Do you have people in your life who accept you as you are? We all do
Accepting Jesus for who He is is of utmost importance
He is the supreme God,
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me
. John 14:6
He is the only way to the Father
Humility before God is accepting Him for who He is
and not thinking you’d like to change this or that about Him
That is, in fact, Judging God
People who judge God will have a rude awakening
when they meet Him face to face,
when they are standing before their creator
Or rather when their knees buckle and they must hear their fate
Fearing God is the beginning of wisdom
These people who do not accept God for who He is are not wise

Jesus is the most wonderful, amazing God
He and the Father are One
The Pharisees did not want to hear that Jesus likened Himself unto God
They had their own ideas
They made their own god, which wasn’t the true God
Accept Him as He is, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

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