If you had just one wish, what would it be?
To feed the world?
For all nations to be at peace?
Would it be to expel all the evil ones off the planet?
To heal all the broken hearts?
That each person would know the Lord Jesus Christ?
Just one wish narrows things down a bit.
You have to think.
You have to decide.
Decide between what you want and what you think God wants.
Choose to integrate His word into what you might ask for.
Find the treasure and make sure it’s the right one.
Just one wish might be what’s on your heart at the moment.
Or thinking of just one wish might be foolishness to you.
You might know God doesn’t make us pick and choose just one thing.
The idea of this thought is that it brings to focus what might be most important to each of us and how those important things integrate with God and His word.
It might even help us to weigh our own heart.
It might be something about yourself, such as being kind to everyone.
Whatever it is that is most important to you, God notices.
Will that heart’s desire stand before the Lord?
On the last day, when you stand before Jesus on Judgment Day,
will you be honored by God for your priorities?
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33