Keeping Jesus as the Focus

Why is it so hard to keep Jesus as the focal point sometimes?
The world and its stupid problems creep in and get inside our minds
and then, it’s hard to unravel all of their webs,
to remember and realize all the wonderful things about Jesus we know.
Those thoughts of frustration can keep coming back.
Sometimes it seems prayer is useless because the focus is not pure or right.
The focus continues to be all the problems.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace.
In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer;
I have overcome the world
. John 16:33

Problems are part of living here on this Earth.
Trials and tribulations.
Rising above them are difficult even when you know you should.
We have all the tools to do so in the word of God.
We know that Jesus is right there to help us.
At times, I would still rather take my bucket
and try to get the water out of the boat one bucket at a time
instead of letting Jesus calm the sea.

Toiling and stressing and trying to figure out this and that.
The problems will always be there if I choose to focus on them.
Trying to be like Mary who sits at Jesus’ feet to spend time with Him
instead of being like Martha, worried and bothered by so many things.

And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha,
thou art careful and troubled about many things
: Luke 10:41

I guess being aware of this is the first step.
My name is LK and I am distracted by the cares of the world.

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