Learn God’s Heart

Learn about Jesus and His character
which can be found in the Old and New Testaments.
If you want to know Jesus, and not just about Him,
key in on who He is, how He thinks, what He values.
He’s quite extraordinary and amazing
and no earthly words can give a fair description,
so learn His heart.

The hope is that when you search for Heavenly Treasure, you will find it.
Start where you first met Him and find more treasures like that,
whatever it was Jesus first showed you so you were interested in Him,
how He touched your heart and you realized He was your Savior, your God,
the One you chose to follow.
Find more treasure, look and seek and find.
He will show you if you search with all your heart.

And ye shall seek Me, and find Me,
when ye shall search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Don’t be complacent or think that what you have been shown is all there is.
There is more. With God, there is always more.
You’ll never grow tired of seeking Him once you start.

It takes dedication to pry yourself from the world,
to engage in the spiritual realm.
Give Him time from the world,
one of the most precious commodities we have on Earth, time.
Seek the Lord Jesus, He is there for the asking.
Spend time with Him. Reach out to Him. Focus on Him.
He will open up more to you as He will reward your efforts
and you will find Him.
You will find Jesus in unexpected places as well as the ordinary places.

Jesus knows where you are.
He hears your every thought.
He knows it all. He is firm on His ways.
He is God and He does not change.
You can’t impress Him if you try,
but if you honor Him and fear Him, He will notice and He will honor you.

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.
James 4:10

Those who think they are going to demand salvation
when they arrive at His throne, due to their efforts,
may be sorely disappointed.
Jesus will say to many,
“I never knew you, Depart from Me, you who work iniquity.”

These two scriptures can give us all food for thought.
The first one would cause much pain to hear, the second, a blessed hope:

And then will I profess unto them,
I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:23

His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant;
thou hast been faithful over a few things,
I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
Matthew 25:23

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