Let God be God

What is the key to hidden treasures of the kingdom of God in secret places?
How does this become more real to us than the earth and its bounties?
Is there a way to trade our hardly attained wisdom for His infinite wisdom?
There is indeed

It takes much work
Much perseverance
Much effort that you can’t really understand until you start on the path
The path of life
The one where Jesus said few there be that find it Matthew 7:14
The one where you carry your cross Luke 14:27
That you leave all behind to follow Him Matthew 19:29
Few find it because only a few can give up their prideful thoughts
and humble their thoughts before His, Isaiah 55:9
surrender their assumptions and let God be God

It is much harder than you think to let God be God
That is why you see so many other religions
who let people do things their own way
while living what is considered a good life
Their litmus tests are different
Many of them even adopt many of Jesus’ teachings into their ideals
We all know of being kind, helping others, loving your neighbor
and treating others like you like to be treated

Jesus’ teachings that are not so popular,
that are not as widely accepted,
such as they who do certain things
will be tossed into Hell’s fire Revelation 21:8

The Pharisees didn’t like Jesus’ teaching so much so
that they tried to capture Jesus to kill Him Matthew 12:14
They finally succeeded
They couldn’t let God be God

There are sects of Christianity
who reject the very words of Christ
because they cannot reconcile with them
It takes a certain kind of humility before the Lord
Some of us who know what that means
are constantly battling with our flesh to remain humble in God’s sight

Humility before God is different than humility in man’s sight
The humility picture humans have in their mind is of a person
slumped over, head down, looking at the ground,
while trying to get through every step of the day,
letting people walk all over them and never speaking up

God said that Moses was the most humble man on the earth
(Now the man Moses was very meek,
above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.) Numbers 12
God spoke to Moses face to face
Moses stood up for God
He was very brave and courageous before opposition to God
That is what it means to be truly humble
The fear of the Lord,
The strength of God
Living for and speaking out for God
even when He gives you a hard word,
in spite of how others may or may not receive it
That is the true humility God is looking for

Letting God be God is very hard
It means letting go of all you value and find important
Surrendering all of your life to Him
and trusting Him to help you fulfill your mission
finding the reasons you were put on this earth,
Your purpose, your part in this world
Doing what He has created you to do
Not being caught up in what you value and find important,
but with abandonment to Jesus Christ,
allowing yourself to be adopted into His kingdom
and giving up everything that means anything to you

It is a relief when you finally see it, how to let God be God
The times when you can grasp it, attain it
are more than satisfying and fulfilling
You will want to be able to give more
And thus the treasure that you will find by giving up you
and accepting Him and His will will glisten and shine
and be reproduced in you immeasurably:
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:21 & Luke 12:34

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