Looking Forward to Jesus’ Return

I look into the sky and think of you, Lord.
How big You are, since You fill Heaven and Earth.
I try to imagine Your coming in the clouds of the sky
so that every eye will see You.
How can that be?
Will You be so big and fill each part of space so we will only see You?
Your vastness in incomprehensible.

The other thing I wonder is what does your voice sound like?
Will you say something in Your voice of many waters?
Will you reach Your hand out to those of us who are waiting for You to return?
Certainly Your hand can hold us all since You are so big.

The nations will be surprised.
We will be pleasantly surprised,
knowing You have finally arrived as our Savior
to rescue us from this wretched world,
those of us who have trusted in You,
knowing this moment was sure to come
because You are not a man that You can lie.
You are the Creator of the Universe and have this monumental moment planned and orchestrated for the appointed time.
You will then make Yourself known to those
who have refused to listen to Your call,
What a glorious moment that will be
when that final trumpet sounds and we meet You in the air.

Your angels will gather us from one end of the Earth to the other.
All those who have the seal of God.
We will bow in adoration and thanksgiving blessing Your Holy name, Jesus, Yeshua, The Living God, The Great I Am, Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, Adonai, Savior, and all the other names of Yourself
that are written in Your Holy Bible.

So much love will be shared with our God and Savior, our little, tiny love
in comparison to Your love, Your great, big love without end.
We will be safe in Your presence as we meet You face to face.
And so shall we ever be with You, Lord. Amen.

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