For whosoever will save his life shall lose it:
and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it. Matthew 16:25
That is a sow what you reap kind of promise.
Let me try to explain Trying to save your life:
it means if we value our lives here,
we will less likely value our lives in the spiritual realm.
If we decide to save our lives in this life,
we will be concentrating on the flesh.
If we lose the importance of our lives, our earthly lives, our flesh,
we will more likely value the importance of the spiritual realm
and if we make decisions based on the importance of the spiritual,
rather than what we see, hear and smell, we will find our lives.
Whosoever is afraid or a coward of righteousness,
will become weaker in what is good.
The disciples all fled when Jesus was arrested.
They assured Jesus they would stand by Him.
That didn’t happen.
Peter even outright denied Him.
We can look at Peter and think, What a coward, but in reality, we understand.
We hope we aren’t ever going to be like Peter, but he was trying to save his life,
to keep himself safe from harm.
He regretted it.
God gave him the strength to eventually be a martyr.
He was actually crucified upside-down.
We cannot save our lives.
Our self-preservation mode is innate in our earthly bodies.
The battles of the flesh will be a part of our world until we die.
God does not want us to be ashamed of Him or His words.
Without drawing from His strength, we will be cowards.
We cannot do this on our own.
Our natural senses will flee from persecutions or pain or danger.
We need God’s wisdom and guidance.
With the persecution that is coming, we have to be in sync with Jesus.
It is to each one of us to make sure
we are seeking wisdom from God about what is coming upon this Earth..
No saving our own lives. Leave that to Him.