Mac the Dog

Mac is my neighbor’s dog
He is a golden retriever
My neighbor knew Mac’s owner before she died
Mac’s owner drank herself to death
Mac has issues

My neighbor decided to adopt Mac,
not knowing exactly what she was getting herself into
He was just turning 9 when his mom died
He had a lifetime of being cared for by a lady with alcoholism
They serve another master
So their priorities are usually off
It affected Mac

I walk Mac often
He is vicious toward other dogs
If he can, he will attack them
He’s always looking for the opportunity
He has to be kept at a safe distance

Mac has a barrier up
He is not quite as bondable as healthy dogs,
dogs who have had security and stability
He has made some progress with his attitude
in his new home and surroundings
He keeps to himself most of the time,
which is odd for a golden retriever
He lacks trust
He seems sad from time to time
He reminds me of a broken human
Maybe you or me

Seeing Mac from above is a metaphor
of how God can look down on us with grace
He knows what we have been through,
how much hurt we have endured,
how hard we have tried to be good
And that being good is impossible
without Jesus Christ and His sacrifice to reconcile us to the Father

He also sees what we are not able to see,
how our actions affect others
And He loves us in spite of our failings
Knowing this fallen world will never allow us
to be the perfect beings God created us to be

Like I do with Mac, God forgives us
when we are mean or reactionary or afraid
Sometimes even when we don’t ask
because He is able to see all of our inner-workings, the whole picture

For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
Romans 9:15

I think if Mac could,
he would be the perfectly loving golden retriever
he was created to be
Through circumstances, he has become less than perfect
He tries
He would if he could, but he can’t

So, each of us, like Mac,
are examples in this fallen world who needs a savior,
with our imperfections and challenges,
and our willingness to try,
try to be better, to do better
We can’t really make excuses for our failings
It is up to us to put those things in God’s hands,
to seek Jesus for strength and cleansing,
the faults we may never overcome while we are on this earth

For that which I do I allow not: for what I would,
that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
Romans 7:15

2 thoughts on “Mac the Dog”

  1. Very inspiring…very real true life. We are broken & do live in a broken world. We are in need of a Savior & God forgives all….every time…for every sin, if we ask.
    We need to be healed and learn trust & wear trust and extend trust to others. Just a quick smile can make a difference, ensure trust, help someone to take their next breath….feel there is Hope. Jesus is the answer.
    I am happy that Jesus resides in me…though I disappoint Him everyday. I need His strength & cleansing everyday.
    Thx for sharing…..will read it again with my cup of coffee 🌷You are extending trust to Mac….you’re using the gifts God gave you!

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