Modern Conveniences.
Be careful with them.
They are enticing.
They are entertaining.
They will suck time from our life.
They will get us dependent on them.
They will change the way we think.
They will get inside our mind.
They beckon us.
They will demand our attention.
They will elicit reliance on them.
We won’t have to make any effort
to find information or to even produce information.
The world is at our fingertips.
It is there for the asking.
We don’t even have to use our typing skills or reading skills, we can just speak into the microphone and make our requests be made known.
The idea is for all of us to have personal robots.
They are working toward this goal.
Robots that will help us do whatever we need.
If we want them to clean, cook, help us with something, or anything at all,
they can be trained to do that.
Would you want to live with a robot?
Will you get used to the idea?
The idea of having a robot inside every home,
a personal slave to do whatever we command it to do,
with no arguing, no questioning?
Maybe so.
It might be hard to resist.
There are already computer systems who can obey voice commands,
systems that can be set on timers to regulate lights and play music,
to open and shut doors. It is all there at our disposal.
Once we have a personal robot, which we are being conditioned for,
we will have crossed the abyss.
The farther we tread into this territory, the harder it will be to refuse it,
the harder it will be to turn back.
How will you refuse these modern conveniences?
How will you keep them out of your mind and heart?
Is it even possible to resist?
They have become such a part of our daily lives?
We are much more productive with their assistance.
The time is coming for us to realize
that God may be asking us to take a step back.
He has allowed the Beast System to grow and mature.
It is almost at its fulness, but not yet.
Once it wants to become one with us, that is the line.
Don’t cross it. It will be too hard to come back once you do.
Ask yourself a question: What if you lost your phone?
How dependent on it are you? What if the whole system were to crash?
I believe the Lord wants us to be aware of the intertwining that is going on.
The merging of technology into our bodies is coming nearer and nearer.
What price will you pay to refuse it and what is your limit?
Seek the Lord for wisdom and discernment.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;
and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18