My Heart is too Broken to Break More

My heart is already in so many pieces
It has been shattered
Not even begun to be put back together again
To be healed, renewed
I can’t hear a thing and I have misheard plenty
I see in Your word, You were bruised and broken and even died
I have not died to my flesh the way You require
Only tried
Not succeeded
The flesh is weak
It wants what it wants
For it to die takes much determination and pain,
much knowledge to do what You are asking
No easy task and no simple thing
Not sure I am capable
Not sure I can
Even with Your help, it seems no use
I’ll continue on with my broken heart that pains in the deepest sense
and renders me ineffective to be used of You

But My child, I am your healer
I am binding your wounds and filling in the shattered pieces
Your heart will never be the way it was for those cracks
that have been torn and made by affliction and distress,
they deepen your compassion and teach you to look toward Me
I am the Resurrection and the Life
I will not leave you without comfort
I am reaching out to you, will you receive My peace and My love?
It is much better than that which made your heart weakened and frail,
for I will never fail you nor forsake you
Glean from My word and rest your soul in My heart,
for once our hearts are truly One then can you be a vessel of My grace
and love for others without deterrents
As you join your heart with Mine, you will be assured of My love for you
and never again seek human love
Human love without Me is emptiness
and will sting with the most severe sting

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