Let it Go
Offenses can vex you
It is a choice
Turn the other cheek
Hide in the humility of the Lord,
knowing He is going to take care of the situation
Do not allow yourself to be under the Law of Sin and Death
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2
Unforgiveness and Hatred, wishing ill on another,
plotting your revenge, gossiping, slandering,
encouraging strife and hatred, even someone seems to deserve it,
moves us under the Law of Sin and Death
There is no protection from God there
We need to remain under the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus
forgiving, loving, letting it go as Jesus did
We must remain free from the Law of Sin and Death
These are spiritual Laws
When we participate in the Law of Sin and Death,
we are removing ourselves from the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus
Let it go
Love them anyway
God will repay them
and He will also repay you for what you have surrendered