One more day, a Prayer of Thanksgiving
I have one more day on this Earth Lord to follow You
One more day to seek Your compassion and mercy
One more day to listen for Your wisdom
One more day to let my bygones be bygones
To love someone who needs Your love
To help someone who needs Your help
I have another day to ignore the worldly lusts
One more day to choose to spend time with You
I have another day to pray for Your will
Another day to let Your light shine
To strengthen the weary
To help bind the broken hearted to point others toward You
Let me not waste any time
Let me be thinking of how You might see
and let Your love and kindness and all the fruits of the spirit flow through me
Let me not be angry or brash or uncaring, without Your mercy toward another
The time is short but I have one more day to show others that You matter,
that Your way is the way that leads to everlasting life
Let me spend this day beside You,
keeping in mind that You May teach me how to better serve You
Thank You for this day, and help me to remain thankful for it
as I know the challenges are on their way
In Jesus’ Mighty name, Amen.