Open Doors

Pray for open doors

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:
‘These things saith He that is holy, He that is true,
He that hath the key of David,
He that openeth and no man shutteth,
and shutteth and no man openeth:
Revelation 3:7

Jesus opens doors and shuts them
He does this on mega scales in our world
and in our individual lives as well

Pray for open doors especially for the people you meet,
those that are already in your life
or those that you will encounter and may never see again
God will honor that prayer
Many people don’t know where to start
To speak to someone about God
Maybe it’s a loved one that is on your heart
but you don’t want to push
and none of the words you have said prior seem to have helped
Pray for open doors in conversation
Listen for the opening,
it could be a natural occurrence in the conversation,
It also could be a bold statement or change of subject
Listen for the Holy Spirit’s leading…
It is the Spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing:
the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are life
. John 6:63

You will be amazed
The words that come to you,
the gentle but astounding ways He opens doors for you to speak His word,
to be salt and light, just the right amount Matthew 5:13-16
Not everything will be received
Keep asking and say and do what you know God is leading you to do
You will be upholding His purpose
and helping His kingdom by helping others to know our Lord Jesus

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