Open Letter to Steven Furtick and, Most Importantly, a Word from the Lord included

You are a very rich preacher.
Money is not exactly what I am planning to address here.
Your preaching is full of methods, doxies, and graphs,
littered with pieces of the flesh, which is the richness I am addressing…

The Lord cuts in here:

I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich;
and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. Revelation 3:18

It has been said that you have led many people to Jesus.
Who am I to you?
I am the One you use to puff up yourself.
Sit down, My Son, be quiet, be very quiet and listen to Me.
Put aside your facades of adoration of My ways
and hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

You are mixed up.
You do not have a clean pulpit from which you are preaching.
You have abandoned your first love.
You have taken chains of doctrine that will lead to the camp of the the enemy and you will lead many with you.

I have warned you many times and you do not listen.
You would rather hear the honors and the supreme admonition
of those who tell you you are on the right track,
My son, did I not tell My disciples
that the greatest among you is to be your servant?

Where is your cross My son?
It is not near. You have abandoned My ways for those that satisfy the flesh, those ways that have allowed you to have many admirers
and those that cover you in all of your man-made doctrines,
your formulas and your special dainties that you gorge on, that you feast on.

Come near to Me.
Do not have preconceived notions of what I will say to you.
Let Me teach you, let Me have free reign in your heart and in your life
and, yes, My son, in your ministry.

Let Me take your ministry.
Let Me cast down those vain imaginations in your mind
that conflict with My ways.
Let Me open your eyes that you may see, let Me renew you in every way.
Let Me remove the shackles that have you bound
and influences that you cling to and learn of Me
for I am meek and lowly of heart and you will find rest for your soul.

I am near to you, My son
Come to Me and let us reason together.
Behold, I come quickly.
Be ready and prepare those I have given you to be ready.
If you do not seek Me with all your heart,
which is what I am asking of you at this time, I will remove your lampstand.
Do not listen to the multitude of counselors you have in your life
who comfort you in your present ways.
Come to the cross, to the very throne of God,
and let Me say what I want to say to you.
Thus saith the Lord.

Back to the Letter
.. I didn’t have anything to say after the Lord finished, but then,
I looked up your name to send this to your website
and I noticed you are selling the gospel online
for a large worship event in Texas.

Time to get before God and listen to what He has to say to you.
I’ll be praying for you, Steven.


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