
We all have regrets, some big, some small, some are instantaneous,
some haunt us years later, when we have grown or matured
or changed and can’t really do much about them once we realize them.

We should have said this, we should have done that.
We shouldn’t have said this, we shouldn’t have done that.

O God, thou knowest my foolishness;
and my sins are not hid from thee
. Psalm 69:5

Jesus wants to set us free from our guilty stains.
No matter what we have done,
if we have brought it to Jesus for cleansing, we are to accept His forgiveness.
If we have trouble accepting His forgiveness,
seek Him for strength and understanding as He is gracious and merciful.
We think of ourselves as lost causes at times,
and we may need Him to correct mistakes we have made.

I am troubled; I am bowed down greatly;
I go mourning all the day long
. Psalm 38:6
We are humbled before the Lord, at times, due to our actions.

We will make mistakes.
We are likely to disappoint ourselves and the Lord as well.
If we think more highly of ourselves than we ought, that is pride.
We can bring our failings before the Lord.
He erases our mistakes.
Cleanses us, makes us clean.

I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions for Mine own sake,
and will not remember thy sins
. Isaiah 43:25

Jesus may prompt us to correct a situation, to pray or to let things go.
Trying to put things in perspective can help us through our regrets now.
He is there to offer wisdom and compassion.
Forgive, be obedient to the Holy Spirit if He gives you directives.

Wasting time on regrets truly is a ploy of the enemy
to keep you focused on yourself and the messes you made.
It also can incapacitate your efforts for the Lord at present.
We’ve all made irreparable messes.
God can work in those situations,
but some things cannot be changed once they happened
and we cannot control another person’s response.

Let the past misgivings go and move on and don’t look back.
Do your best to focus on Jesus and follow Him as He is leading you.

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