Say unto the nations: Thus says the Lord (1)

When you were born, each of you had a mission, a purpose,
a relevance for My kingdom.
Many of you have spurned that purpose.
There are some who are faithful,
I see those faithful ones
and you shall be rewarded for your diligence
and your efforts and for your faithfulness.
There are others who have gone your own way.
You give Me no regard and you, too,
shall be rewarded for your efforts which are few.
There are many who have known of Me,
who have been given a purpose in your heart
and you have gone your own way
and refused to heed My call on your life
and refused to sanctify My name
and the name of My Son, Jesus the Christ, the Risen Savior.
I have called many of you over and over and over again
and you have refused.
You have chosen to serve other gods who speak not, hear not
and who can be of no help to you.
I speak to all of you who are aware of Me and My kingdom,
those of you who have a glimmer of hope,
who are willing to reconcile with Me.
Come near to Me and I will receive you.
I will wash your sins and give you the strength you need to serve Me.
I will honor your requests and show My mighty power in your midst.
You will call and I will answer.
Behold I am coming soon and My reward is with Me
to give unto every man according to his works. (see Revelation 22:12)
If you continue to brush Me aside
and profane My Holy name and go your own ways,
and worship idols, you will not be welcomed into My kingdom.
This warning comes prior to
the massive devastation I am bringing in the earth.
There is no safety apart from Me.
Your wealth, your preparations, those things and people
and monetary and material things you trust in will all fall aside.
This will come quickly and I will hear you when you cry out to Me.
I am merciful and care much for each of you.
Do not let your heart grow hardened,
bring yourselves before Me and know that I am available to you to help you.

Click here to view the 2nd Word:
Say unto the Nations: Thus says the Lord (2) – StrongVoice

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