Say Unto the Nations, Thus Says the Lord 20 April 2023

Lift up your eyes, My people, for your redemption draws nigh.
I am right at the door.
Look up.
Look up, My people.
My presence is near.
My arms are here for your comfort.
My strength is available to you for the asking, when you need it.
My wisdom abounds.
Look up, My people.

Do not get caught In the snares, in the wiles of the devil,
for he would have you listen to him,
to be totally engulfed in what he is doing,
but I say, keep your eyes on Me.
There is still much work to be done.
By concentrating on what he is doing, you will be incapacitated,
unable to complete My work.

Rest in Me for just a little while and he will be no more.

Keep marching on, do not look to the right or to the left,
do not let your eyes wander.
Be aware of what is going on around you but do not focus on it,
focus on Me.
Thus says the Lord your Redeemer.

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