Say Unto the Nations, Thus Says the Lord (3)

There have been many generations before this one
who have contributed to the fierce anger I am experiencing,
the many who have spurned My name,
the many who have chosen wickedness over righteousness.
But this generation is the worst.
This generation has given Me much grief and has refused My Holy Spirit.
Your punishment shall be great.
Your Judgment shall include all the others.
And yet still, if you call out to Me and you repent of your wicked ways,
and choose to walk in My Spirit,
and to relinquish what you have done in the past,
you shall be forgiven.
You shall be clean in My sight says the Lord.

Seek Me, I am near, I am calling out to you, to come near to Me,
to learn of Me and to seek Me while I may be found.

There is a time coming, in the not-too-distant future,
where I will no longer listen, I will no longer hear,
so seek Me while I may be found.
The devastation shall be all around you
but you shall be safe,
you shall be protected by Me and shall escape My Swift Judgment.

But and if you refuse this call, where My Spirit is calling you,
where My Spirit is wooing you,
your cries shall go unanswered and it will be too late.

My hand is not shortened that it cannot save.
Do not say to yourself: God cannot forgive me for what I have done.
My son died for all sin.
I can and will cleanse any sin: Put it in My hands,
lay it at the altar of My forgiveness
and take up your cross and follow Me.

My ear is not dull that it can’t hear.
I see all and I know all.
Repent for the Kingdom of God is in your midst.

Click here for the 4th Word:
Say Unto the Nations, Thus Says the Lord (4) – StrongVoice

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