Say Unto the Nations: Thus Says the Lord (5)

When I call out to you and you refuse, this hurts My heart.
I created each of you for a purpose.
I have your days laid out.
I have given you talents and abilities to be used for My kingdom.
Many of you have heard Me remind you of what I have given you
and what you have let slide and you have gone your own way.
Your innermost thoughts are an open book to Me.
I see each thought.
I hear each whisper, whether it be spoken for others to hear or not, I hear.
I listen for whosoever is searching for Me.
I listen for whosoever is responding to My petition.
I will not force you.
You may choose your own way.
I am giving you a choice once again and soon that choice will be gone.

My fire is coming upon the earth.
It shall fall down like rain and if you are not nestled in my protection,
there shall be no protection.
Your wealth will not save you.
Your preparations shall not save you.
Your fortified cities and elaborate bunker houses will be of no help.
Only I can protect you.
Reach out to Me, My dear ones.
I have and do love you with an everlasting love.

I have a dire warning to politicians, that is,
those who are in charge of others in the nations.
If you have worked against Me, your portion shall be double.
If you have brought laws to pass that go against My will,
your shame and nakedness shall be exposed and there shall be no escape.

To those pastors who preach My word, who teach others,
humble yourselves and really listen and really seek Me.
Many of you have spoken amiss.
You have led My people astray.
You have not gained a right understanding of My word.
I am opening up revelations of My word, of what I did on the cross
for each and every human who ever walked on the face of this earth.
You think you have enough knowledge, enough understanding.
That is not the case.
Put aside your solid doctrines that are embedded in your hearts and souls
and learn from My Holy Spirit.
I will not give My glory to another.

I say to all, humble yourself and I will accept you,
I will accept your earnestness of sorrow
and you will be forgiven says the Lord.
There is no deed that I cannot forgive.
Let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet,
I will wash them white as snow.
Forgiveness is there for you, for the asking.
Seek Me and you shall find Me if you search for Me with all your heart.
Thus says the Lord.

Click here to read the 6th Word:
Say Unto the Nations: Thus Says the Lord (6) – StrongVoice

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